용문산 계곡2014.7.28(중복)

바다산바다 2016. 9. 29. 20:10


i used to visit Mt.Yongmunsan which is located appr.20 miles east of Seoul ,esp during
summer season. Even after relatively shorter period of rainy season ,the valley was kept
clean with much swollen water .Temperature was more or less 20 degrees Celsius here
with cool ,fresh air on this dog day ! Unfortunately , i experienced falling forward losing balance
due to stepping on slippery rock . Lost sun-glasses ,which was shortly-after found in the middle of water .
All clothes soaked with a little scar on my right knee and left arm .None serious.
My Lessons: Do not climb Mt. without sticks ! .Wear long sleeve and trouser !!!
Never TREAD on rocks in the middle of stream water. Above all think before action ^&^ — at Yongmunsan.
-From my facebook(English)-




























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